Author: Kerstin Carolin Beyer

the impact of color

New working space

Oh my Deer

Palacio Ducal de Medinaceli, Soria
In the wonderful environment of the museum Palacio Ducal de Medinacelli I had the honor to participate in a collective exhibition “Espacios para habitar”

EuropArtFair Amsterdam 2022
In autumn 2022 my good artist friend Miguel Angel Craviotto and me rented a motorhome, filled it up with art work and bikes and drove from Madrid to Amsterdam to participate in the EuropArtFair. I brought several canvas collages and lots of paper collages as well as paintings, acrilic on […]
Spray art
Working with graffity spray, with a touch of srteet art, giving a base for the art work and symbols from our childhood and others, inspired by the art work of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Dípticos, different sizes Big format art work

Due to the Covid restrictions I changed the date of the art fair from march to july, again in the magnificant Casa de Cantabria in Madrid. 24 artists from 7 countries show 150 art works: paintings, collages, photography, sculptures. The UAF is the only art fair in Madrid made by […]

Collage Cosido

The artist




Repainting one old work and where it leads to
I started to repaint an old art work which I didn’t like anymore. This went so far that I covered the whole thing and suddenly had a very interesting base for a completely other painting. And as so many times I liked it so much that I started a serie….A […]